Thursday, September 27, 2012

Exciting Things Going On!!

I have to admit...the waiting process in adoption can be very challenging and stressful at times.  But we are SO grateful that God gives us many projects and things to do in the process of our waiting!!

Not only have we been doing the $50 Family Photo Fundraiser to help raise funds for our adoption (God has done some AWESOME things through that!!)...but we have written a children's book that we are self publishing on Amazon to also help us raise funds for our adoption.  We are SO EXCITED that the book is almost ready.  It will be ready to purchase in the next few weeks off of just in time for November - Adoption Awareness Month and also CHRISTMAS!  It will make a GREAT Christmas present for any child or grand child you know! Better will be great for ANYONE who has a heart for adoption or for helping orphans!

We are just thrilled about this project and we pray that it is a blessing to many adoptive families...but we also pray that it inspires other people to step out and adopt, or maybe even help organizations with the mission to help orphans!!

It will be released really SOON...but I wanted to show you all a few sneak peeks of some of it!! As soon as it's ready to purchase...we will share with you all the link so you can purchase it if you'd like...and you can share the link with they can purchase it as well!!! We cannot WAIT to see what God is going to do!! Here are a few samples. You can click on each photo to make it larger so you can see it better.  We sure love you all and are so grateful for your prayers, support and encouragement. They mean a TON to us!! We will keep you posted!! Here they are!!

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Quick Update

Hey guys!! So sorry for the lack of posts.  This process just takes a little bit of time and we don't want to overwhelm everyone with updates unless we actually have info! :) here it goes!!

We finally have completed our home study...whoohoo!!...(took 6 months this time, 7 months last time around.)  We are waiting for our social worker to finish it up so we can begin compiling our Dossier - More paperwork! :) We did FINALLY get Mark's parents fingerprints straight. was a little touch and go there for a bit...but it got worked out! Praise God!! :)

We don't have any new info regarding being matched yet with our little boy. BUT...we did get a very encouraging email from Lifeline this week that I wanted to share with you all.  We anticipate that it will not be long before God shows us our precious little son!!  Here is the note we received:

The Lifeline Team is having an amazing time in Chongqing and tomorrow will travel to our new orphanages in Fuling and WanZhou. We have seen several of the children whose files we have received and are preparing to match. We appreciate your patience as we continue to receive updates on children, have our questions answered about them and progress with the matching process.

On another encouraging note, we have received word that we will be receiving files from a few more of our partnership orphanages in the next few weeks. We are so excited to see files continue to come in. Please remember that matching will be a process occurring over several weeks, not just one matching event. We are confident that we will have referrals for our families, we are just unsure of the timeframes at this point. Your social worker will be contacting you in the next few weeks for an update on your family's status.

Give thank to the Lord, for He is good,
For His steadfast love endures forever;
to Him alone does great wonders,
His steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1&4

The Lifeline China Team
This is VERY EXCITING NEWS and we look forward to being matched.  We know it is in God's hands and timing and we pray that HE direct the hands of the Lifeline Team to the child that He wants in our family!! We will definitely keep you all posted!!

Our fundraising has been going wonderful!! Thank you ALL SO MUCH for helping us with our $50 Family Photos, and our bracelet fundraiser...AND now to the Kids Kloset Consignment Sale!! We don't have the final amount yet of all that was donated there...but we should have that amount very soon!! We will keep you posted and be sure and let everyone know!! God is SO FAITHFUL and never ceases to amaze us in His hand of provision!! As you can see from our fundraising "thermometer" to the right...things are doing well!!! We love every time we get to raise that bar!!! It is just an immense faith builder!!! 

One thing we are SUPER EXCITED about is we have a Children's book coming out in October that we will be selling on as a fundraiser.  We wrote the story about 4 years ago...and our friend Stephanie Presley has just finished with 17 original illustrations that absolutely bring this book to LIFE!!! We are diligently working on the book daily now and hope to have it ready for everyone to purchase in early October!! 

We will be sure and post the link here so you can go directly there to purchase one if you'd like.  Its a wonderful gift for Christmas, or even for November - National Adoption Awareness Month!! We cannot WAIT to share it with you all!! It is SO exciting!!

Thats it for now!! Hopefully we will have another good update in a couple of weeks.  We truly look forward to seeing the face of "our brother." (Thats what we all call him now, until we learn who he is and pray about what we will call him.)  We promise to keep you posted!!! Y'all...let us know if you have questions!! Thank you again for following our journey and for praying for us each step of the way!! This is indeed a blessing for us to be on this journey!! Have a great weekend!!
Mark & Buffi