Monday, January 21, 2013

Care Package & Travel Meeting

Well...just since yesterday we've had a little bit of info come our way!! YAY!!

We got an email from our social worker telling us that we will be having a "travel meeting" in Birmingham on February 8th.  We were so excited and surprised to get the news about our travel meeting.  (It means we're getting even closer to going!!) This meeting we will get all the details we need for preparation for travel.  We will find out all we need to bring, things we need to do prior to travel...thoughts on travel arrangements...all kinds of VERY useful information.  It was so valuable for us last time.  We even met families that we would be traveling with for the first time!! :) These families are SO DEAR to us to this day!! We'll always feel a close connection with them!!! So we cannot wait to meet some of the families we may travel with this time!! Excited!!

We also got an email tonight that our care package has arrived in China.  Lily, Lifeline's liaison in China, has received the package and will make sure it gets to Shepard.  Hopefully Shepard will get it very soon!! OH how we hope he likes what we sent him and more than anything...we pray that he feels a connection with us by looking at all our photos we sent.  Its our first connection with him.  Thank you Lord for helping there to be a connection.

Ok...thats it for now!!! As soon as we get more...we will make sure and let you all know!!! Have a wonderful week!

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